To better position ONS as an organization in the future, the ONS Board of Directors recently consulted with the Whole Mind Strategy Group, an agency that examines organizations and reports on any potential improvements back to the organization with regards to structure, efficiency, and governance. After careful review, the ONS Board of Directors translated the findings into four proposed changes to ONS’s bylaws.

Two of the proposed changes affect ONS’s governance and would help increase focus and efficiency while ONS continues forging onward toward its goals in 2016. These bylaw changes have been included on the 2016 ONS Election ballot for member approval.

The governance-related changes are as follows. 

  1. The ONS Board appoints members of a nominating committee, designated as the Leadership Development Committee, who will
    1. Work to strengthen leadership development within ONS’s members.
    2. Cultivate/recruit candidates for the ONS Board of Directors and the ONS Foundation Board of Directors who reflect the diversity of ONS members.
    3. Seek candidates possessing skills and competencies necessary to lead each organization in the direction of their planned outline.
  2. Directors will be elected by ONS active members.
    1. Elected directors will appoint officers among themselves.
  3. Eliminate all “board liaison” roles and the ONS president’s ex officio role on the other boards.
    1. Retain the ONS CEO’s ex officio role on other boards.
  4. Decrease the number of directors-at-large to three.
  5. ONS Foundation Board members will be appointed by the ONS Board of Directors.
    1. Future appointees to the ONS Foundation Board of Directors are not required to be ONS members.
    2. ONS Foundation appointees will be committed to developing and implementing strategies to raise funds for oncology nurses.
    3. The current ONS Foundation Board members will continue to serve until Congress 2016.
    4. Terms expiring will not be refilled; a smaller board will begin with Congress 2016.
    5. The current ONS Foundation president-elect will become president at Congress 2016 and serve at least one year in that position as the transition occurs.

The other bylaw changes affect member community groups. Chapter-related changes will allow for chapters to be chartered only within the United States for legal and financial reasons.  

The final amendment will formally transition Special Interest Groups to ONS Communities. These communities will provide members with easier ways to connect and collaborate on a number of topics. By modernizing the structure and creating more flexibility, members will be able to engage with their communities in news ways with greater effect than before.

Big Change for 2016 

This is an exciting time for ONS and its members. Streamlining the ONS Board of Directors’ roles will provide ONS with the ability to swiftly pursue its goals in the coming years, and the new community model will allow for increased interaction among members with particular interests. We’re excited to continue our progress to lead the transformation of cancer care by supporting those who are on the front lines every day. 

As the changes and transitions occur throughout the year to come, be sure to check back with us to keep apprised of all the newest updates. Remember that as an active member, your vote counts. Be sure to learn more about the candidates, ONS’s big plans for 2016, and more at the ONS election center. Voting continues until February 12, so be sure to make your voice heard and vote.