U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson is once again facing a major challenge as he navigates a government funding fight while under pressure from an extremely narrow majority in the House and former President Donald Trump. The U.S. Congress is up against a shutdown deadline at the end of September, but so far there is no clear consensus on a path forward. Adding to the urgency is the fact that vulnerable lawmakers hope to hit the campaign trail for the final stretch ahead of the November elections as soon as possible and the threat that a shutdown could lead to fallout at the ballot box. The course the speaker charts could also factor into whether he can hold onto his leadership post after the election.


ONS Perspective

The United States’ FY2025 federal budget needs increased funding for ONS priorities in the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing ResearchCancer Moonshot, and Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs. However, with the impending September 2024 deadline looming and no clear consensus on how to proceed, a last-minute compromise may be the only option—likely, a continuing resolution that maintains current funding levels and extends the deadline for next year’s budget.

Congress is expected to reconvene after the election for a lame-duck session to finalize a year-end funding bill, and ONS will be there, raising oncology nurses’ voice for patients and the profession, at every step of the process. Here’s how you can get involved.

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