In its year-end wrap-up meeting on December 8, 2020, the ONS Board of Directors focused on oncology nursing leadership development, both within the general nursing profession as well as within the Society itself. It also finalized the topics for the annual ONS membership survey for January 2021. Highlights from those conversations follow, and ONS members can read a full report in the meeting minutes.

Leadership Competencies        

A component of the three-year leadership development initiative that the Board approved in September 2019 was the development of oncology nursing leadership competencies. During the December 2020 meeting, the Board approved a plan to complete that work:

  • Identify a cross-functional staff team to manage the competency creation process.
  • Select and engage ONS member volunteers in creating the competencies.
  • Distribute draft leadership competencies for public comment and evaluation by field and expert reviewers.
  • Submit final competencies to the Board for approval.

2021 Leadership Development Committee         

The ONS Leadership Development Committee (LDC) chair term transitions in April 2021. In accordance with ONS’s bylaws, the Board must appoint a new chair from among the current LDC membership. They discussed the interested candidates and planned to finalize the vote before January 1, 2021.

The Board also reviewed potential new LDC candidates for 2021. The top five candidates were asked to submit a letter of intent outlining their experience and skills in preparation for a final vote in early 2021.

Member Survey 

The Board finalized the questions for the 2021 ONS member survey and included five statements related to diversity and inclusivity. All members were invited to complete the survey in January.