Pre-Existing Conditions; Overcharging Prescription Drugs; Opposing Medicare for All

December 17, 2018 by Chris Pirschel ONS Staff Writer/Producer, and Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

Top Dems Press Trump Officials for Answers on Pre-Existing Conditions

Although the Democrats have yet not formally taken control of the House of Representatives, many are primed and passionate about holding the Trump administration accountable after the November midterm elections. Through involvement in committees and as incoming chairs of powerful oversight panels, lawmakers are questioning officials about healthcare policy (

Specifically, they want to know about key elements of the Affordable Care Act, how pre-existing condition coverage will be affected, and how the administration plans to uphold promises to insured patients. Thankfully, covering pre-existing conditions shouldn’t pose a big problem, because many Republicans ran on the same campaign promise ( Look for stronger support from the 116th Congress to protect pre-existing conditions.

House Set to Vote on Bill Cracking Down on Drug Companies Overcharging Medicaid

High prescription drug costs and the rising price of health care in the United States are two of the leading concerns American voters raised in the 2018 midterms. Because pharmaceutical companies haven’t taken regulation upon themselves, Congress will likely do it for them. Elected officials are stepping in to address soaring prescription drug costs (, and the outcome will likely be stricter than the industry’s idea of oversight.

Financial toxicity and the cost of health care ( are huge burdens for Americans, and Senators Grassley and Wyden—two representatives with completely different ideologies—have come together to address the problem. As the new Congress begins and the margins are tight in the Senate, look for a bipartisan bill that will be unwelcomed by most in the private sector.

Establishment Looks to Crush Liberals on Medicare for All

Medicare for All has been a rallying cry for progressive Democrats, but it’s facing stiff opposition—even within its own party ( Detailed plans for a successful Medicare for All program have yet to be fully developed. In theory, the idea is to expand Medicare—a federal program Americans already know and understand—to include other targeted audiences. In addition to Americans who already qualify for Medicare because of a disability or their age, individuals without insurance would receive or purchase coverage through the single-payer arm of Medicare under the proposed system.

Progressives aren’t looking to reinvent the wheel, especially when it’s rolling along nicely. However, powerful special interest groups are diving into the idea, trying to stymie its development and implementation. Interestingly, the resistance to single-payer plans is coming from the same voices who championed the Affordable Care Act. Oncology nurses will be a valuable part of the conversation. Advocate for your patients and join the discussion today (

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