NIH Hosts Tribute Ceremony as Anthony Fauci, MD, Bids Government Service Farewell

March 08, 2023 by Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

The United States commemorated Anthony Fauci’s, MD, retirement from government service during a tribute ceremony held ( at the National Institutes of Health’s campus in Maryland in December 2022. Fauci served more than 50 years in government and 38 years as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Many of Fauci’s closest friends and colleagues came to celebrate his send-off ( and give remarks about his career. Fauci also spoke on his time ( in government.

“I am sad to leave this extraordinary institution,” Fauci said ( “But I actually savor and relish the scope, depth, breadth, and always amazing and challenging experiences I have had over the last 54 years.”

He continued ( “That speaks volumes about the place. I feel deep-seated gratitude and appreciation for having been given the opportunity to be part of this organization and to have made some degree of contribution to domestic and global health in the multiple roles that I have been privileged—and I do mean privileged—to play as a scientist, a clinician, a clinical investigator, an institute director, and ultimately a policymaker. This is the only place in the world where I could have had the opportunity to do all of this.”

Fauci served under seven presidents ( and advised on various infectious diseases ( over his decades in public health. Fauci said he’ll devote the next phase of his career and life to using his decades of experience ( to encourage the next generation to pursue science careers and urge those already in science to add public service to their repertoire.

“The sadness I feel about leaving is truly strongly balanced by the energy and excitement I feel about what lies ahead for me in the next chapter,” Fauci concluded (

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