Which of the Following Strategies Is an Example of Developing a Provider-Patient Relationship to Negotiate an Oral Adherence Plan?

March 01, 2019

The Answer

Developing a relationship with patients and negotiating an agreement to adhere to oral chemotherapy is an example of C. Motivational interviewing.

Motivational interviewing is a strategy that requires providers to accept patients and develop a relationship with them to facilitate informed decisions and empower patients to make their own decisions. Researchers have identified it as one of the strategies nurses can use to improve adherence in patients taking oral anticancer agents (https://www.ons.org/sites/default/files/ONS_Toolkit_ONLINE.pdf).   

B.F. Skinner defined operant conditioning and reinforcement (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1473025/) in his work identifying that positively reinforced behaviors are more likely to be repeated than those that are negatively reinforced.  

Partnership is a general term to describe a relationship between a provider and patient.  

The ONS Oral Adherence Toolkit (https://www.ons.org/practice-resources/toolkits/oral-adherence) provides strategies and resources for nurses related to oral adherence. 

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