Katrina Goddard Appointed as Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences Director

December 15, 2021 by Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

Katrina A.B. Goddard, PhD, a genetic epidemiologist who worked on 25 federally funded research studies, is the director of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) as of October 2021, where she oversees (https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/about-dccps/about-division/organization/meet-the-director) a range of cancer-related research.

In her new position, Goddard leads research teams working in fields such as epidemiology, behavioral science, surveillance and statistics, cancer survivorship, and health services and outcomes research, according (https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/about-dccps/about-division/organization/meet-the-director) to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Before joining DCCPS, Goddard was a distinguished investigator and director of translational and applied genomics at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, OR, and a midcareer fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in genetics and public health research and practice.

Goddard’s background focuses on public health genomics and the translation of genomic applications into clinical practice,” according (https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/about-dccps/about-division/organization/meet-the-director) to NCI. Goddard was the founding director for the NW Biobank, a principal investigator of the Cancer Health Assessments Reaching Many study, and had additional roles in National Institute of Health-funded initiatives, the American Society of Human Genetics, and the International Genetic Epidemiology Society.

“At DCCPS, we are really the bridge to public health, and we cover the entire cancer care continuum. We can really make a difference in cancer control. We can change people’s risk for developing cancer, as well as how they are impacted by their treatment and improve survivorship after they’ve developed cancer,” Goddard said (https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/about-dccps/about-division/organization/meet-the-director). “So, we have the opportunity to really make a difference across the entire cancer care spectrum.”

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