Subcommittees Help ONS Board Manage Its Work

October 04, 2021

During its August 24, 2021, monthly meeting, the ONS Board of Directors focused on reports from two of its subcommittees that support certain aspects of the Board’s work: one that develops and communicates ONS’s position on important topics, and the other that helps the Board grow as a group and individual leaders.

Positions Committee

This group’s purpose is to inform policymakers, ONS members, and others about the issues and positions that ONS takes and supports. The goal is to influence cancer care and nursing practice policies that reflect the Society’s values and mission. 

At the August meeting, the committee updated the Board on its work and recommended continued endorsement of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) tobacco policy. ISNCC is updating the policy now, and the committee will review it again after it is finalized.

Board Development Committee  

This group is charged with evaluating and meeting Board members’ individual and collective learning needs, identifying assessment tools, and conducting the annual board gap analysis for future candidate recruitment.

Some of the work the committee discussed at the August meeting included ONS Board Learning Partner assignments and responsibilities, board evaluation and assessments, and topics for board development sessions. It will conduct 1:1 Board member feedback sessions during the September meeting. 

For more details about these discussion topics and a larger report of other items the Board covered during its August meeting, ONS members can read the full minutes online (

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