Board Appoints Officers, Doubles Chapter Visits, Updates Navigator Position, and More

June 07, 2021

Congratulations to ONS Director-at-Large Valerie Burger, RN, MA, MS, OCN®, CPN, whom the ONS Board of Directors selected as treasurer, and ONS Director-at-Large Darcy Burbage, DNP, RN, AOCN®, CBCN®, whom it selected as secretary, during its April 13, 2021, meeting.

The Board appoints the positions every two years from its current directors, in accordance with the ONS bylaws. The new officers began their two-year term on April 21, 2021, at the conclusion of the annual ONS business meeting held in conjunction with ONS CongressTM.

Additional highlights from the meeting follow, and ONS members can read the full minutes online (

ONS Chapter Support 

Based on responses to the 2020 Leadership Evaluation Survey, the ONS Board discussed ideas to increase communication with chapters. Chapter leaders asked for additional support to implement structure changes and navigate pandemic-related challenges.  

The Board decided to double the number of visits they attend through the 2021–2022 ONS Board Chapter visit program. Chapters should contact the national office support staff to schedule ONS Board members’ participation in chapter meetings.  

It also approved disbanding three chapters. 

Nurse Navigator Position Statement

The ONS Board reviews the Society’s position statements on a regular schedule. The position statement subcommittee presented revisions to the Role of the Oncology Nurse Navigator Throughout the Cancer Trajectory position statement, and the Board accepted the revisions as outlined. Read the position statement here (

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