ONS Enterprise Plans for the Future of Cancer Care

January 11, 2021

During its quarterly two-day meeting on November 5–6, 2020, the ONS Board of Directors held a joint session with the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation and Oncology Nursing Foundation boards of directors. The ONS Board also completed budget approvals and ongoing assessment of the membership, among other work. Highlights from those actions follow, and ONS members can review the full meeting minutes at ons.org/board-minutes.


The ONS Board is responsible for ONS's building partnership, capital, Board, and operational budgets. Staff provided balanced 2021 budgets for each, and the Board approved all four as presented.

Membership Dashboard

ONS uses a variety of data to understand product and service performance as well as the overall health of the organization. Beginning in January 2021, ONS staff will submit quarterly dashboards to help the Board measure a pulse on key metrics.

Joint Board Meeting

In a workshop-style session, the boards and executive staff discussed societal and environmental challenges that affect cancer care now and in the years ahead and identified cross-corporation approaches to address them. Participants received extensive prep resources in advance, and during the meeting they divided into six small groups, each consisting of members and executive staff from all three organizations, to discuss three scenarios:

They discussed each scenario from the point of view of people served, their organization’s initiatives, and how the ONS Enterprise can work together collectively to address the challenges. The final report will be available in early 2021.  

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